



The construction project contract management課件 is an important resource for the successful execution of construction projects. It provides a comprehensive overview of the process of contract management and outlines the key components and considerations that should be taken into account when developing and implementing a construction project contract. This document outlines the contents of the construction project contract management課件.

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of construction project contracts and the management process involved in creating and enforcing them. The course will cover the key components of construction project contracts, including the contract form, terms and conditions, dispute resolution, and payment procedures. The course will also provide students with practical experience in managing construction projects through hands-on projects and case studies.


By the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the basic principles of construction project contracts
2. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the contract form and terms
3. Understand the key components of construction project management
4. Understand how to effectively communicate and negotiate contract terms
5. Understand how to resolve disputes and enforce contracts
6. Develop a practical experience in managing construction projects

Course Outline

This course is divided into six sections:

Section 1: Introduction to Construction Project Contracts

1. What is a construction project contract?
2. The importance of construction project contracts
3. The key components of construction project contracts

Section 2: Contract Form and Terms

1. The contract form and its components
2. The terms and conditions of the contract
3. The dispute resolution process

Section 3: Contract Management

1. The role of the construction manager
2. Key components of construction project management
3. The effective communication and negotiation process
4. The dispute resolution process

Section 4: Case Studies and Practice Exercises

1. Case studies of construction project contracts
2. Practice exercises to apply what is learned in the course

Section 5: Payment Procedures

1. Payment terms and conditions
2. The role of payment in construction project contracts
3. The effective payment process

Section 6: Final Thoughts and Conclusion

1. The importance of construction project contracts
2. The future of construction project contracts
3. The role of construction project contracts in the construction industry


The construction project contract management課件 is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the construction industry. It provides a comprehensive overview of the process of contract management and outlines the key components and considerations that should be taken into account when developing and implementing a construction project contract. This course is designed to provide students with practical experience in managing construction projects through hands-on projects and case studies. By the end of this course, students will be able to effectively manage construction projects and create contracts that are effective, fair, and compliant with the law.


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