

近年來,隨著計算機(jī)技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展,各種科學(xué)領(lǐng)域都受到了計算機(jī)算法和模擬技術(shù)的沖擊,其中 particularly in the field of engineering, computer-aided design and simulation (CAD/Sim) has become an essential tool for engineers to design, simulate and optimize complex systems. One of the most powerful and widely-used computer-aided design software is Abaqus, developed by Dassault Systemes, which is widely used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, chemical, and medical fields.

In recent years, many universities and research institutions have developed and implemented Abaqus in-house or have affiliation with Dassault Systemes, which includes:

1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):CLA\’s School of Engineering has a strong tradition of computer-aided engineering and a team of experts who are proficient in Abaqus.

2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor:The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Michigan State University has a team of experienced engineers who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

3. California Institute of Technology (Caltech):Caltech\’s Center for Automated Simulation and Verification (CAS Verif) is an affiliate of Dassault Systemes and is known for its expertise in Abaqus implementation.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):MIT\’s Center for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition has a team of experts who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

5. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UIUC has a team of experienced engineers who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

6. Stanford University:The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at Stanford University is one of the leading research institutions in the field of computer-aided design and simulation, and has a team of experts who are proficient in Abaqus.

7. Carnegie Mellon University:CMU\’s School of Engineering has a team of experienced engineers who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

8. University of California, San Diego:The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has a team of experts who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

9. University of Washington:The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis has a team of experienced engineers who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

10. University of Texas at Austin:The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Texas at Austin has a team of experienced engineers who are proficient in Abaqus and its underlying software, CATIA.

These universities and research institutions have made significant contributions to the development and implementation of Abaqus in-house or through affiliation with Dassault Systemes, which has enabled engineers and researchers to achieve more accurate and efficient simulations and optimization for complex systems.


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